Word on Health

Word on Patient Safety

Our grateful thanks to The Patients Association for their input to our radio report (which you can hear again via the audio player at the bottom of this this page), timed to coincide the the World Health Organisation's (WHO) World Patient Safety Day.  

According to the WHO, “Patient and family engagement is a pivotal strategy to advance safety in healthcare. As users of the healthcare system with first-hand experience of the entire patient journey, the perspectives of patients, families and caregivers are invaluable in improving patient safety.  The impact of meaningful patient engagement is remarkable, with studies showing a potential reduction in the burden of harm by up to 15%, saving countless lives and billions of dollars each year. Therefore, patient and family engagement has been embedded as a fundamental principle in the World Health Assembly resolution (WHA72.6) on Global action on patient safety and in the Global Patient Safety Action Plan 2021-2030.

World Patient Safety Day 2023 is dedicated to the theme “Engaging patients for patient safety” and the slogan “Elevate the voice of patients!”. The day aims to influence stakeholders including patients, families, policy makers, health care leaders, health workers and patient organizations to work collaboratively towards co-designing health care policies and safety interventions that truly reflect the needs and preferences of patients, ultimately enhancing healthcare safety globally.”  Click here to visit the initiative's web page

The Patients Association is an independent patient charity campaigning for improvements in health and social care for patients.

Uniquely for a charity with a remit covering all health and care issues, they work with patients directly: they are the charity's members and supporters, and also the people who benefit from their help and information services.

Through their helpline (0800 345 7115 available weekdays 09.30 - 17.00hrs) they provide information to thousands of people each year about the health and social care system. 

The Patients Association also speak to government, the NHS and other stakeholders about patients' priorities and concerns, to ensure the patient voice is heard and acted upon. 

Their purpose is to ensure that everybody can access and benefit from the health and care they need to live well, by ensuring that services are designed and delivered through equal partnership with patients. Their strategic focus from 2021-25 is patient partnership in the design and delivery of health and care services.

Core values 

  • Diversity: They value diversity by encouraging a trusting, open and inclusive environment for staff, volunteers, patients, and stakeholders.
  • Dignity and Respect: They treat every person with kindness, respect and dignity.
  • Inclusive: They welcome people’s differences and believe it is important people are comfortable to be themselves while they are working/engaging with us.
  • Partnership: They work in partnership to make things better for patients so everyone can get and benefit from the health and care they need.

These core values serve to guide the organisations decision-making and the strategic direction of The Patients Association, and fundamentally underpin everything they do.

Listen to this weeks radio report

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